tmux 是一个终端复用软件,类似 GNU/Screen
tmux new -s session 创建名称为 session 的会话
tmux ls 会话列表
tmux kill-session -t session 注销名称为 session 的会话
tmux a -t session 进入名称为 session 的会话
tmux a 进入默认第一个会话
<leader> 为命令前置按键,默认为 <Ctrl + B>
即在执行任何命令前,需要先按下 <Ctrl + B>
释放后再按其他键,可通过修改 ~/.tmux.conf 配置来自定义前置按键
<leader> + ? 命令清单
<leader> + c 新建 window
<leader> + & 关闭 window
<leader> + n 下一个 window
<leader> + p 前一个 window
<leader> + , 修改 window 名称
<leader> + d 退出当前会话
<leader> + $num 切换第 $num 个 window
<leader> + “ 纵向切割当前 window,变为左右2个pane
<leader> + % 横向切割当前 window, 变为上下2个pane
<leader> + :source-file ~/.tmux.conf 重载 tmux 配置
<leader>+ C-z Suspend the current client
<leader>+ Space Select next layout
<leader>+ ! Break pane to a new window
<leader>+ # List all paste buffers
<leader>+ $ Rename current session
<leader>+ & Kill current window
<leader>+ ' Prompt for window index to select
<leader>+ ( Switch to previous client
<leader>+ ) Switch to next client
<leader>+ , Rename current window
<leader>+ . Move the current window
<leader>+ / Describe key binding
<leader>+ 0 Select window 0
<leader>+ 1 Select window 1
<leader>+ 2 Select window 2
<leader>+ 3 Select window 3
<leader>+ 4 Select window 4
<leader>+ 5 Select window 5
<leader>+ 6 Select window 6
<leader>+ 7 Select window 7
<leader>+ 8 Select window 8
<leader>+ 9 Select window 9
<leader>+ : Prompt for a command
<leader>+ ; Move to the previously active pane
<leader>+ = Choose a paste buffer from a list
<leader>+ ? List key bindings
<leader>+ C Customize options
<leader>+ D Choose a client from a list
<leader>+ E Spread panes out evenly
<leader>+ L Switch to the last client
<leader>+ M Clear the marked pane
<leader>+ [ Enter copy mode
<leader>+ ] Paste the most recent paste buffer
<leader>+ c Create a new window
<leader>+ d Detach the current client
<leader>+ f Search for a pane
<leader>+ i Display window information
<leader>+ n Select the next window
<leader>+ o Select the next pane
<leader>+ p Select the previous window
<leader>+ q Display pane numbers
<leader>+ s Choose a session from a list
<leader>+ t Show a clock
<leader>+ w Choose a window from a list
<leader>+ x Kill the active pane
<leader>+ z Zoom the active pane
<leader>+ { Swap the active pane with the pane above
<leader>+ } Swap the active pane with the pane below
<leader>+ ~ Show messages
<leader>+ DC Reset so the visible part of the window follows the cursor
<leader>+ PPage Enter copy mode and scroll up
<leader>+ Up Select the pane above the active pane
<leader>+ Down Select the pane below the active pane
<leader>+ Left Select the pane to the left of the active pane
<leader>+ Right Select the pane to the right of the active pane
<leader>+ M-1 Set the even-horizontal layout
<leader>+ M-2 Set the even-vertical layout
<leader>+ M-3 Set the main-horizontal layout
<leader>+ M-4 Set the main-vertical layout
<leader>+ M-5 Select the tiled layout
<leader>+ M-n Select the next window with an alert
<leader>+ M-o Rotate through the panes in reverse
<leader>+ M-p Select the previous window with an alert
<leader>+ M-Up Resize the pane up by 5
<leader>+ M-Down Resize the pane down by 5
<leader>+ M-Left Resize the pane left by 5
<leader>+ M-Right Resize the pane right by 5
<leader>+ C-Up Resize the pane up
<leader>+ C-Down Resize the pane down
<leader>+ C-Left Resize the pane left
<leader>+ C-Right Resize the pane right
<leader>+ S-Up Move the visible part of the window up
<leader>+ S-Down Move the visible part of the window down
<leader>+ S-Left Move the visible part of the window left
<leader>+ S-Right Move the visible part of the window right
推荐状态栏 statusline 插件
tmux Guide